Sunday, March 29, 2015

Technology Package for Raising Sandal Plantations from Quality Planting Material (QPM) Stock of Sandalwood Seedlings 

Nature of technology Santalum album is a commercially important species for its oil and medicinal properties. IWST has developed cost effective package of practice for raising model sandal plantations with horticultural species as secondary host from Quality planting material (QPM) stock of sandal seedlings raised in IWST nursery and is disseminating this complete technology package to end users/stakeholders. 

A. Process in brief Introduction :

Sandal (Santalum album L. or East Indian sandalwood) can be considered as one of the world’s most valuable commercial timber. The species is quite hardy, can grow in dry and degraded lands and over a variety of soils, it has potential to grow in combination with horticultural species as secondary hosts. Sandalwood (Santalum album L.) is commercially valued globally for heartwood and oil. Indian sandal (Santalum album L) is considered best and is highly prized for its superior quality oil. Current value of heartwood is Rs.3500- 5000/kg in India. International prices are 20% higher and in excess of Rs 1,00,000/kg for sandal oil. Sapwood finds utilization in carving and turnery and is recognized as one of the finest woods for carving. Due to over exploitation the species has been categorized as vulnerable by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Government policies have been relaxed to revive this important species in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu which are the main sandalwood growing states have been initiated in 2001 and 2002. Seeing its huge potential, other states have also shown keen interest in establishing sandalwood plantations. There is an increasing demand for the seedlings of this species over the past 5-6 years from all over India, but there is lack of a complete package of practices for growing sandalwood which includes raising of QPM of sandal and establishment of sandal plantations with secondary hosts at appropriate spacing. This has been standardized in IWST and the complete package is ready for dissemination.

Present status 

This tree is found in dry deciduous forests of Deccan plateau of India to an extent of about 9000 km2 and the states of Karnataka and TamilNadu alone account for 8200 km2 of natural sandalwood forests. It is also though found in Kerala, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Manipur. Due to over exploitation the species has been categorized as vulnerable by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Government policies have been relaxed to revive this important species in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu which are the main sandalwood growing states have been initiated in 2001 and 2002. Seeing its huge potential other states have also shown keen interest in establishing sandalwood plantations. There is an increasing demand for the seedlings of this species over the past 5-6 years and National Medicinal Plant Board through its subsidiary state medicinal boards has initiated various schemes to promote sandal cultivation.

Potential of the species 

Sandal is a suitable candidate for dry land agriculture areas and in agroforestry systems like silvi-horticulture, since 
  • • It is quite hardy • Can be grown in combination with horticultural species as secondary hosts
  • • Not demanding in respect of nutrients and moisture 
  • • Can grow in dry and degraded lands 
  • • Grows over a variety of soils 
  • • Even if browsed and hacked it recovers quickly 
  • • Can profusely produce root suckers 
  • • Even the sapwood will yield considerable earnings (for agarbatti making and handicrafts)
The problem

The potential of the tree in existing farming or horticultural systems for improving livelihood and creating employment opportunities and enhancing farm incomes is quite huge. However, availability of Quality planting material (QPM) of sandal from known sources is one the main bottle neck hampering its wide scale cultivation. Traditional methods of preparing potting mixture and sowing in standard size polybags do not work for raising sandal seedlings since it is a hemi-parasite. Standardization of nursery technology for raising good quality seedlings of sandalwood becomes necessary in such a scenario.


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